Here are your random numbers:32 21 8 33 17
Timestamp: 2008-06-14 01:36:28 UTC
So the winners are:
# 8: Mary Jo said...
Wow, 20,000 hits. Congrats!!! Love your blog, you inspire me with your creativity. I really hope to see some birds and owls in the catalog. Keep going and many more hits to come.
# 17: misse336 said...
I'm hoping for some type of bling (rhinestones, pearls, etc) and/or the ability to buy their stamps unmounted (for less money) since I'm running out of storage space.
# 21: Annelies said...
I would love some great backgroundstamps I could use on my christmascards!Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
# 32: Lori said...
Congrats on all your hits! I would like to see more punches, wheels, and christmas sets. Thanks for the chance to win...And I love your blog!
# 33: Cindy said...
ITs all new and exciting to me. Only paper crafting since March and I love every new stamp, tool, product I come across!
Congratulations to all of you! Please e-mail me your snail address so I can send your winnings.

Oh I am so excited to be a winner. Thanks for the chance, I also live in the great state of Minnesota, just outside the twin cities. We love Duluth, thanks Jana!
Thank you so much, Jana! I've send you an e-mail. Greetings, Annelies
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