Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Never ending card directions

I got these directions from Dawn Griffith's blog. She has an awesome video that I highly recommend. I'm just posting pictures for those who have trouble watching videos online.
For this project you need 4 pieces of cardstock that are each 3" X 6". Each piece should be scored down the long way at 1 1/2" and 1 1/2" from each end. Lay 2 pieces down vertically, touching edges, and put adhesive in the 4 corners as shown above.
Lay the other 2 pieces down horizontally, lining up all of the edges with the bottom pieces.

Fold the top 2 pieces as shown to crease the score lines.

Fold the whole thing back along the same score lines. This is what it looks like from the back.

This is what it looks like from the front

Fold the 2 squares in the center out to each side so the card looks like this. Now you've creased all of the score lines. See yesterday's post for all 4 views of the card.
A couple of tips: I found that line images work best because you can't stamp the card before it's put together. Solid images don't stamp solidly on the score lines. (Ask me how I know!) Also, think about the placement of your images carefully before stamping. When I stamped the balloons on the 2nd card view, I centered them. When I folded for the 3rd view, the balloons were still visible, but I could only see 1/2 of each balloon! That's the only area that overlaps that I can think of, but be careful!
I hope you try this card because it's a real wow!
Happy stamping!

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