Splitcoaststampers had this great program going for a while where you could "elf" someone. That means sending them a Christmas gift, sort of a Pay It Forward program. It grew way more than expected, and the coordinators got overwhelmed. But over 700 people were elfed, and I am one of the lucky ones! It can be anonymous, but my elf outed herself. It was Peggie Sue, AKA craftidomesticdiva. She sent me this super cute card as well as an EXTREMELY generous bag of goodies! I already ate the chocolate!
You can check out Peggie Sue's blog here: http://fabricscraps.blogspot.com/ . She lives in Georgia. Go Dawgs! (That's my alma mater. University of Georgia) Peggie Sue, if you see this, please tell me what you used to make that background paper. It looks like coffee filter but it feels thicker than that, like interfacing or something similar.